Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Dr. Jacques enjoys taking friends and students of the Bible with him to his regular mission trips overseas. He loves to see men and women of God devoted to share their testimonies with others in less fortunate countries. Missionaries who wish to take part in his mission trips must be informed of what is involved and what is needed the most to take with them and items they are also willing to bring as potential gifts to the needed, if any. Here are things you need to know:

Haiti Mission Packing list

Personal Preps in Advance 
Bring Tylenol or Aspirin for regular sunny heat. Haiti is like Florida. Bring your pills if you are on medication (or as directed by your doctor)

Get your US Passport ready and unexpired.

Emergency contact list – put this list of names & phone numbers on a card in your wallet. Make a safety copy of passport, airline ticket, and your emergency contacts – Your mission director will ask for that to hold for you.

Carry On Bag (45 inches, 40 pounds each)
Airline ticket – Flashlight – Ballpoint Pen (needed on airplane for customs forms)

Medicine                   Toilet kit                Sandwiches for breakfast & lunch (non-perishable)* not an obligation

Passport – Toilet paper – Cash (include several $1 bills for small expenses)

* Meals are no longer served on the plane, just a little snack. Take the food you will need until being served supper in Haiti! You will eat regular diner upon your arrival in Haiti.

Checked Luggage  (2 allowed; limit 62 inches, 50 pounds allowed for international flights)
Suggest you take your full luggage allowance: 1 carry-on, and 2 pieces checked luggage up to 50 pounds each. Suggest you take a small duffel carry-on and 2 footlockers. It is easier to live out of a footlocker than a suitcase. Also, you can padlock a footlocker, which is a very good idea. Consider the heavy plastic Airline ticket – Flashlight – Ballpoint Pen (needed on airplane for customs forms)

Medicine                   Toilet kit                Sandwiches for breakfast & lunch (non-perishable)* not an obligation

Passport – Toilet paper – Cash (include several $1 bills for small expenses)

* Meals are no longer served on the plane, just a little snack. Take the food you will need until being served supper in Haiti! You will eat regular diner upon your arrival in Haiti.

Checked Luggage  (2 allowed; limit 62 inches, 50 pounds allowed for international flights)
Suggest you take your full luggage allowance: 1 carry-on, and 2 pieces checked luggage up to 50 pounds each. Suggest you take a small duffel carry-on and 2 footlockers. It is easier to live out of a footlocker than a suitcase. Also, you can padlock a footlocker, which is a very good idea. Consider the heavy plastic footlockers from SpaceSavers with wheels on one end and metal fasteners; cost about $35. Very durable.  Pack all your stuff, then fill the rest of the space with stuff to give away (suggestions below).  You can leave one footlocker behind when you come home if you wish.

In Your Possession While in Haiti
Toilet paper – always have it with you in Haiti. It may not be provided in restrooms. Suggestion: Keep a half-roll in a zip-lock bag, safe from leaky water bottle, etc.

Hand sanitizer – pocket-size container. (Group should take larger bottles for refilling) Absolutely must use this before eating, after using restroom, before bed, etc. Note: Water bottles will be found in Haiti. Pure water only is served.

Personal Gear
–         –         Toilet kit (don’t count on electricity 100% of the time; when we do have it, it’s the same 110 volts and same plug type as here in the U.S.)

–         –         Bar of Soap – in a ziplock bag or something to hold wet soap

–         –         Medicines – Personal first aid kit    

Handy to Have
–         –         Bunch of zip-lock bags (the kind with the zipper, not the squeeze-together)  Helps keep stuff organized in your footlocker

–         –         Personal snacks – non-perishable, non heat-sensitive (not melting candy!).  Granola bars, fruit bars, nabs, powdered tea, etc. You won’t need a lot; you will be fed very well at the guest house.

Attire Requirements
1.      1.      Women must wear dresses with sleeves (ladies DO NOT wear shorts or pants in public to be seen as Christians, it’s cultural. But, it is ok at guest house and in the area.

2.      2.      Men must not wear overlarge pants 

3.      3.      Sneakers and sandals are acceptable

4.      4.      Nice outfit for church. Team leader and anyone preaching or leading must wear coat & tie. If not preaching, it is not an obligation.

Work clothes

–         –         Guys:  Shorts (DISCUSS… guys only), long pants if you want (too hot for jeans!) But it would be ok sometimes, night time in fact.
Ladies:  Dresses or skirt & shirt; possibly long shorts (to knee) 

–         –         T-shirts or collared shirts

–         –         Ball cap, floppy hat, etc. for sun protection
it is ok at guest house and in the area.

2.      2.      Men must not wear overlarge pants 

3.      3.      Sneakers and sandals are acceptable

4.      4.      Nice outfit for church. Team leader and anyone preaching or leading must wear coat & tie. If not preaching, it is not an obligation.

Work clothes

–         –         Guys:  Shorts (DISCUSS… guys only), long pants if you want (too hot for jeans!) But it would be ok sometimes, night time in fact.
Ladies:  Dresses or skirt & shirt; possibly long shorts (to knee) 

–         –         T-shirts or collared shirts

–         –         Ball cap, floppy hat, etc. for sun protection

–         –         Work shoes – old sneakers or a pair of work shoes

–         –         Bandanas (something to keep sun off the back of your neck)

–         –         Work gloves – couple of pairs; you may want to loan or give some to a helper – Sweat towel (small)

–         –         

Casual clothes

–         –         Guys:  Long pants – for evenings, church, touring
Ladies:  Again, dresses or skirt & shirt.  You can wear pants/shorts at home in evenings.

 Polo shirts (something a little nicer than a t-shirt) for same purpose as above

 Shoes – comfortable shoes for walking/working, plus your “Sunday sneakers”
–         –         Cap or hat – for sun; gotta have this! If afraid of sunshine heat.

Checked Luggage  (limit 62 inches, 50 pounds)
–         –         Backpack is great; could use as your carry-on

–         –         Bible

–         –         Bug repellent – if you normally use this. It is not important at all.

–         –         Ditty bag – (zippered gym bag, etc.) for carrying a sweat towel, extra T-shirt, camera, snacks, water bottle, etc.

–         –         Calculator – small calculator for your ditty bag to do currency conversions while shopping

–         –         Camera – highly recommended if you have one to keep pictures for your own report.

–         –         Cap/Hat

–         –         Chapstick with SPF (sunblock) protection built in – please heed this suggestion!

–         –         Ear plugs – lots of noise at night (dogs, roosters, etc.); also, those participating in evangelism projects MUST bring earplugs

–         –         Fan – some people like to take a portable battery-operated fan

–         –         Flashlight and extra batteries

–         –         Flip flops, for the shower

–         –         Fun stuff – a frisby, yo yo, rubber balls, etc. – the kids will love it

–         –         Journal

–         –         Laundry bag or pillow case for dirty clothing.( we will wash your clothes If you will want that.

–         –         Photos of your family –Bring photos showing family members, leisure activities, a fishing trip, etc. Stuff to “connect” with people, with sensitivity to differences in circumstances.

–         –         Pocketknife (pack in checked luggage; not in your pocket going thru the airport)

–         –         Reading light – small “clip on” reading light is handy

–         –         Reading material – for some “down time”

–         –         Swimsuit  (ladies a modest 1 piece please, guys no “Speedo’s”) There is a pool (you will want it!) and, even if you don’t swim, you may want to shower outside

–         –         Sneakers – Snacks – 

–         –         Sunglasses – maybe a cheap pair for working, and then your nicer pair

–         –         Sunblock – a high SPF protection

Giveaway Stuff
–         –         Treats for kids – big bag of candy from Sam’s, stuff from the dollar store, bouncy balls, etc.

–         –         Kickball – Best to get a rubber ball (maybe a couple) and a hand pump (& extra needles). Deflate the balls for travel.

–         –         Clothes and especially shoes you or your family have outgrown, if in good condition (don’t give rags!) This is highly valued and needed.

–         –         Picture books for kids. (Books in English are of limited value)

 Gift for the church – Discuss with your team.

List of Materials you can donate to us for Haiti – NOT AN OBLIGATION

toothbrushes • toothpaste • soap • shampoo 
bandages(all sizes) • hydrogen peroxide • alcohol • iodine 
antibiotic creams • lined notebooks • pencils • pens 
chalk • chalkboards • magic markers • lined paper 
blank paper • rulers • erasers •world maps 
construction paper • scissors • glue • eyeglasses 
underwear(especially for kids) • manual typewriters • practical shoes 
cotton balls • Q-tips • fabric & notions • colouring books • crayons 
simple story books • French books • math books • calculators 
games eg: Jenga, checkers etc) • videos • unused syringes • Vitamin A 
picture books • musical instruments • binders • blank tapes 
Atlases • French-English Dictionaries • mural paper • poster paper 
lotions • sports equipment • razors • baby bottles 
nails & screws • hammers • tools • staplers 
tape recorders(and batteries) • music cassettes • combs
brushes • hair accessories • good used clothing 
thick flannel(to make diapers: Please NO disposable diapers!) 
educational toys(Creole is the 1st language, French 2nd, English is taught) 
Bibles • laundry soap • towels(all sizes) • bed sheets 
Fun items: (beads, craft kits, kites, kite string, necklaces, cards) 
sewing materials • canned goods.